howdy lady and gentelmen after they closed my best topic and I don't know why ! this day I'll show ya some english slang
here we are
أراهنكم بأنكم لم تدرسوا بالخضروات من قبل تابعوا:
It’s a hot potato.
In English, if there’s a delicate issue and people can’t agree we call it a ‘hot potato’.
It’s a hot potato.
It’s a carrot and stick
In English, if someone tries to persuade us to do something using an incentive and a threat,
we call it a ‘carrot and stick’.
Like two peas in a pod.
In English, if two people look very similar we can say they’re like two peas in a pod.
أراهنكم بأنكم لم تدرسوا بالشاي من قبل تابعوا:
It’s not my cup of tea.
In English, if there’s something we don’t like very much for example a sport or a type of
music, we can say ‘it's not my cup of tea’.
I wouldn’t do it for all the tea in China.
In English, if there is something we would never do, we can say ‘I wouldn’t do it for all the
tea in China’.
It’s as good as a chocolate teapot.
In English, if something is completely useless, we can say ‘it’s as good as a chocolate teapot’.
أراهنكم بأنكم لم تدرسوا بالفواكه من قبل تابعوا:
To go bananas.
In English, if someone is very emotional and starts shouting and behaving in a crazy way, we
say he’s gone bananas.
It’s a case of sour grapes.
In English, if somebody pretends not to be impressed by something because they are jealous,
we say it’s a case of sour grapes.
A second bite of the cherry.
In English, if we try to do something a second time because we failed at first, we call it a
second bite of the cherry
أراهنكم بأنكم لم تدرسوا بالبيض من قبل تابعوا:
He’s a bad egg
In English, if we want to say that someone is bad or dishonest, we can call him a bad egg
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
It means you should never rely on only one plan – in case it goes wrong.
He got egg on his face.
In English, if someone makes a mistake which makes him look stupid, we can say ‘he got egg